Early this year the state of California enacted a new law that impacts how the controlled substance prescription pads are produced. Assembly Bill 149 (AB 149) requires that all new California controlled substance scripts produced on 1/1/20 or later have a NEW serial number, and additionally a barcode. All other previous controlled substance scripts guidelines under Health and Safety Code 11162.1 still apply (i.e. batch number, consecutive number, refills, etc.)
Prescriptions-California Controlled: Valid for C-2 thru C-5 medications. Choose from 2 Styles:1) Multiple Prescriptions allowed. 2) Up to 3 Prescriptions per script. Printed Landscape on 5-1/2" x 4-1/4" The 1 Part is 100/Pad & the 2 Part is 50/Pad Consecutively Numbered 001 & up. After placing your order, please be sure to fill out the online information form, print out and fax to (973) 252-1885. Reference the order number assigned.