Secure Laser Prescription (RX) paper:
8.5" x 11" Full sheet Tamper resistant Scripts.
Our security features include:
1) VOID Pantograph
2) Tamper proof chemical alteration.
3) Artificial watermark on the back.
4) Erasure Protection when altered.
5) Microprint Border
6) Invisible Fluorescent Fibers.
7) Toner Fuse lift & scrape proof
Available in 4 different Formats on a Blue Background:
*1 script per sheet (Portrait format), positioned upper left
*1 script per sheet -Full Sheet.
*2 scripts per sheet
*4 scripts per sheet
These formats are not valid for use in the following States:
NJ, CA, FL, & DE. These States have specific requirements. Please refer to the menu to the left for these individual State product areas.
This site is designed for use by:
DOCTORS, HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS and MEDICAL CLINICS. reserves the right to ask for Proper documentation and authorization to order scripts.